Monday, February 7, 2011

Jordan is 7 months old!

So Jordan is 7 months old. How? I have no idea...but he is, the calendar says so - so I guess its true (I still don't get it though!) .

A few new things he's up to these days:
  • He crawls backwards.
  • He has two teeth.
  • He screams (loud).
  • He makes monster noises/growls, and thinks its hilarious.
  • He says: mommy, mama , dada , yeah, and Haaaaaa (his version of Hi).
  • He pulls himself up all the way
  • He holds on to his crib rail , jumps like a crazy, and gets serious air. 
  • He wont let me put him down all of a sudden... and if I do, all I hear is "MMAAAAAAMMAAAAA!!!" back is seriously hoping this phase passes super soon!
  • He laughs at everything. When some one else laughs, when the dogs walk by, when he thinks something is funny on TV...just randomly, whenever basically.
  • He loves squash , but hates pears. 
  • He is crazy loud at home, but silent around people he doesn't know.   

and lastly , hes getting cuter by the day...heres proof:





  1. Couldn't love that boy more! Great pics babe, he is super lucky to have these for when he gets older :)

  2. This little boy is thEEEEE CUTEST baby boy!!!!!!

  3. Agreed, I wish my baby pictures were this amazing! Jordan is SO ADORABLE! :)

  4. hmmmm, little Wyatt might just have some competition for sweet Charlotte's hand.... :>)

  5. I love my little Jords!!!! I can never get enough of him! He is the sweetest and he loves me too! :)
    -Sue Ellen

  6. i have to say you two made a flipping cute bebe!!!


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