So guess what? We are going on our very first real vacation, just the two of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not just a weekend in Palm Springs, not a family trip, but like, a full blown just us vacation.
That’s right ladies and gents. Sean and I are leaving today for San Juan, Puerto Rico.
But no, it doesn’t stop there, we are also going to : St. Thomas, St. John , Dominica , Barbados , St.Lucia , Antigua , and St. Kitts. All packed into about two crazy awesome weeks! Yup, we ALWAYS go big, that’s just how we roll.
And im sure if you follow me on Twitter, or Facebook – you know just how excited I have been for the past few years leading up to this trip. Seriously, BEYOND excited.
So I’m going to do my best to take lots of pictures – but we shall see what happens since we have a lot of water activities to do (fun grainy waterproof disposables are probably in our future!).
So if I don’t get back to you till the beginning of next month, please do not be bummed out and think I don’t like you any more. I probably love you even more; I am just not able to respond for a little bit. But of course I will get back to you ASAP.
Please pray for us to have a safe trip, and we will see you soon!