Sunday, December 27, 2009

La Mirada Engagement Photography - { Alicia & Phil : Engaged! }

So I will have a post coming up with Alicia and Phil's cute story since their wedding is coming up this Wednesday! But to make a long story short - Phil lives in England and flew in last night for his wedding this week , just in time to squeeze in a quick engagement session so we can quickly get a photo printed for their sign-in matted photo. So we shot this quick session this morning!

Sean and I had a great time meeting Phil after hearing so many wonderful things about him from Alicia, so we were so excited to shoot this quick session - and we are even more excited to shoot their wedding a few days from now!

So here is the quickest session we have ever : Shot, processed, proofed with client, ordered their matted sign in photo , and blogged - all in a few hours. Go team Blair Nicole Photography! ;)


















My favorite shot of the day! :




Monday, December 21, 2009

Thank you , Thank you , Thank you!!!

So this past year has been the best year of my life! And I could not feel any more blessed!

So many dreams have come true or are well on their way.
Blair Nicole Photography finally got a new name along with a complete branding overhaul, and has grown so much. We have had the opportunity to work with some amazing clients who we feel truly appreciate our work, and in return we truly appreciate them trusting us with capturing some amazing moments in their lives , and (I feel) most importantly befriending us.

Sean and I have grown so much in our relationship with God, and that has made the hugest difference. There are no words to describe how valuable that is to me.

After lots of saving and planning ....we finally got to take our first big vacation just the 2 of us, and it was nothing short of perfect. When ever I think about it, I just can't help but smile.

We both learned a lot about ourselves – learned what’s worth it, to truly love and appreciate those who have stuck by our sides, and have grown so much as a couple!

Our friends – the new relationships we’ve been able to make and bulid on, and the old friends who have just become like family to us. For the time you have taken out to mentor us, or just plain listen and be supportive, and let us do the same for you. You guys know who you are, and you make us so happy to have you in our lives!

We have had the most amazing blessing of all come into our lives – when God trusted us to take care of one of his beautiful creations, and we already love our little baby so so much – and cannot wait to meet him or her come June! And on that note, I just know that 2010 will be even more amazing and full of love and happiness.

So I just wanted to take a quick second to say thank you! If you are reading this, thank you so much for taking time out for us! Your support and love means so much to us!
My heart is just so full of love for our friends and family, I am so thankful to have each and every one of you in my life!

As we are coming up on Christmas, and the end of the year – I hope you will take a second to think about how blessed you are too and how much you are loved.

We hope you and your family have an amazing holiday full of love like we will!

{We did not have any extra time this year for our annual Christmas card , so here is just a quick picture of us at a family Christmas party a couple weeks ago - because blog posts with no pictures are not as fun! ;) }

Monday, December 14, 2009

Its that time of year again!......

So I know it has been a little while ...but do you remember this post from last year? I'm guessing there is a good chance you may not have been following my blog at the time. But I figured it would be a good time to remind everyone – even if you did watch the little video at the time.

This literally changed my life last year. Not just the couple minute video, but the message that went behind it – and really just that week at church for me.

Like I said last year – this is my blog and I write what I want ;)…so on that note : It’s no secret that Sean and I LOVE the lord and truly try to live our life as great examples and to be the best Christians (and people in general) as possible. But I think the holidays are especially a great time to really be thankful for what this epic holiday really is about.

It could be partially my crazy pregnant hormones – but last week at church we got into some Christmas jams and I started breaking down just a little thinking about how amazing that day really was (and still is), and how it changed the world.

To me , that doesn’t mean getting stuff - I really don't need a thing other than my family and friends, and our health.
 So if you normally get a gift from me, you know it will probably be some very heartfelt homemade tasty goodness again this year ;)

So here it is again for good measure . I think its a great way to just start to get people to think outside of the Christmas box that most people think you have to fit into. Feel free to share and maybe get others to start thinking a little differantly too.

Friday, November 20, 2009

{ Big news! }

Growing up I always dreamt of being a mom when I grew up. Not really about being a ballerina, or about my wedding…..but about being pregnant and having fun raising my kids.

I come from a back ground of some serious infertility issues (I was actually an in-vitro baby), so that’s always been in the back of my mind too – and made me decide very early on that I would be a young mom! (or at least try to be). Luckily I have the most amazing husband who has the same ideas. And we have both always talked about our kids and everything we want for them.

Well I am happy to announce (to those who don’t know already), that my dreams are coming true, and that God has blessed Sean and I with a little tiny bundle of joy.

A couple weeks ago we went for the baby’s first ultrasound and saw his or her little heart going a mile a minute and it was honestly the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. We immediately prayed to God and thanked him for this the moment our doctor stepped out of the room, I mean…just wow. I am getting teary eyed just thinking about it!

Then we were able to go back this week and our baby has already grown so much!

I have to say, I feel completely different, totally different than what I was really expecting. I mean, I knew I would be happy. But Sean and I are just so utterly IN LOVE already. It’s all we can think or talk about, just like when we first started dating 9 years ago- it’s that kinda new love all over again. It takes my breath away just thinking of this beautiful baby growing inside my belly.

My heart is just too full! I could go on forever. But I know a picture is worth more than anything I could say, and I have to say this is the most beautiful picture I have ever seen!

{See the little arms and legs?! Cutest ever arms and legs ever! :) }

**Updated to add** : We have had a few questions about the time we are planning to take off for the baby. We are planning to take our last wedding at the beginning of June, spend quality time as a new family together, then we are picking up with our first wedding back on July 24th . If your wedding date is during our time off, please feel free to send us an e-mail anyway, and I would be happy to send you to some fantastic photographer friends of ours. And as always, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns at all. xoxo

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Orange County Family Photography - { Danielle, Ian and baby Ariana }

Danielle , Ian and little Ariana should probably get an award for one of the cutest familys ever. Fer reals.

Individually they are beautiful people, but when they all come together you can just feel so much love. There is just something about the way Danielle and Ian smile at each other, and at Ariana. And of course Arianas priceless faces, you have to love them!
I was honestly smiling the entire time I was working with these pictures , and my face will probably be cramped for the rest of the month ;) .

So I know that I’ve been saying this a lot lately, but this has to be one of my favorite sessions to date. Its true. I mean, the light was just to die for (most of these are SOOC), the family was beautiful, I had my awesome hubby there with me shooting (even though he was not feelin so hot – such a trooper!), what more could a girl ask for?!

So I have a lot of favorites, so help me narrow it down for my web site…..what are your favorites!? (Warning: This might be a very hard choice for you too, but you have got to help me out here!).

yeah...get ready, she's as adorable as it gets....




Love love LOVE this one! :)


Tell me this face is not amazing. :)

Hello? Parenting magazine? surrrree...I guesss you can use my pictures... ;)

Love this!




Danielle , you are so beautiful....Ian , your not so bad either. :)
I cant get over how beautiful, and at the same time awesomely funny this is!
(I know you are smiling as much as I have been with this one!) :)

Hello beautiful girl!







Love these next two tons - so I could not choose.


Monday, October 5, 2009

Los Angeles Wedding Photography - { Laura & Genaro : Married! }

Where do I even start with Laura and Genero!? They are honestly one of the sweetest couples we have ever worked with. We just love them! They are just too perfect together too.

I feel so lucky to be able to become friends with our clients, but Laura and Genero are so genuine and so friendly, that you just can’t help but feel like you have been best friends with them forever!

Now on to the big day…. When Sean and I arrived at Laura’s parent’s house, it was different than most wedding days we walk into, normally it’s pretty crazy with the ladies running around getting ready....but we walked in and it was so quiet and calm. Laura was there with a few family members, but mostly she was sitting in the kitchen alone having her make up done. It was perfect and sweet, and so Laura. She was just as patient as can be, and you can just tell, she was just so ready to be Genaro’s wife that day.
That morning just set the tone for the rest of the day. It went so smoothly with their beautiful ceremony and sweet, intimate reception.

Here are some of my favorites from the day! :






Loved this light....and Laura made it beautiful!








Cant you just feel how happy they are here?!

Like I told you in their engagement post, Genaro plays a mean piano!

Sean took these next two, and I am IN LOVE with them!


So I have no idea why I never asked her before…maybe just because she pulls off “beautiful” so well , but when I saw this gate I asked for Fierce. Are you freakin kidding me!? Laura, you blow me away!





Um yeah…. Laura,you are stunning!!

G…your not so bad either! ;)

These next two were all Sean again, Love um!



Their good friend Jesus made this cake for them (annnd sang in their wedding), isn’t it so beautiful!?

Laura and Genaro, thank you so so so much for letting us be a little part of your big story. We cannot wait to see what beautiful things the future holds for you two!

Oh and once again, a big huge thank you goes out to my BFF Sue Ellen for sending Laura and Genaro our way. You’re the best! :)

p.s. I played around with a few textures for the first time, and I am pretty excited about the little edge and personality it gives those few pictures.....what do you think!?