Friday, April 10, 2009

Fullerton Shootout

So a couple weeks ago I met up with a bunch of rad photographers and we went crazy (photographer style) on some hot models! I had such a blast and can not wait till I can take part in anouther one. I made some very sweet friends and FINALLY got to meet some people that I've only been BFF with on-line till now. So to say the least, it was a fantastic opportunity to have a lot of fun and meet some great people....oh! and I took some pictures, that was pretty fun too! ;)

Oh! and my rad friend Hanssie set up this super fun contest with a bunch of the pictures from the shootout. You should go over and vote for your favorite one....and, I mean, you know, extra points if mine happens to be it. Just click here, then scoll down to where it says "click here to vote" .

...and here are some of my faves that I shot!













Monday, April 6, 2009

Yeah...okay, so I took advantage of getting married.

Yeah, so Ive had my picture taken a few times in my wedding dress.

Maybe I'm a diva and like to have my picture taken, maybe I just have some awesome photographer friends that I want my picture taken by , or maybe I still some how owe more on the dress than I bought it for 3 years ago - and want to get a ton of use out of it.......

Either way.... we now have MORE rad pictures in our wedding attire.
And when I say rad, I mean, Ohana rad.

David & Kim (Ohana) , and their awesome daughter April (April Marie Photography) had their way with us and the outcome was nothing short of AHHMAZING!! The experience/good times would have been more than enough for me, but then these totally rockin pictures ended up on their blog a few days later. I am still in awe. They are just too good.

I will stop typing and share the goodness (its much better than my explanation!).......


Totally a favorite!



One of my faves!




I am sorry that I am sooooo tall and hot! ;)

I know, I know......they are big.

One of my total faves! (tying for 1st place of all favorites)



I think this is my number one fave! I have no doubt in my mind that this will end up on a HUGE canvas in my apartment!


ohhhh man!...we should be models. ;)

We rule.

So Sean and I never took engagment pictures since we were on such a tight budget before we got married, and I am soooooo happy that we got these! Kimi totally rocked it and some how made me look way sexy (but I cant say the same for Sean ....he is always sexy) .
Warning : The following images may make you blush (well, I did at least).




( I might have a lot of favorites......)

In conclusion, I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to David , Kim and April. David was such a rockstar working it out even though his ear was about to kill him! But I am honestly IN LOVE with these pictures. They are wayyyy too good! I love you guys! :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Fullerton Shootout - Teaser!

Hey there friends! Sheesh! , its been a while since Ive posted. Not that I don't have any thing to show you, I defiantly do..... but some how life has been getting in the way of me sharing lots of fun stuff with you! But hopefully I can make up for it with a couple pictures from a fun session from this past weekend.

I will fill you in on all the details of the shootout and give you lots of eye candy soon, but for now... here are just a few that caught my attention while editing through. These are basically straight outta the camera, so bare with me! ;)

So bright and fun!

I'm not gunna lie...I've always wanted to shoot an image like this!
Love this location!
I am soooo in love with that golden light on her beautiful face

There are lots more to come very soon! <3